Noodles, Yarn & Glue! Oh My!!
Slap these three things together and BAM, you have yourself a beautiful DIY Rainbow Wall Hanging to brighten any space in your home. This is the perfect beginner DIY project.
Step One: Gather Supplies
Pool Noodles x 5 (I got mine from the local Dollar Store)
Yarn (this is based off personal preference)
Dowel Rod
Hot Glue Gun
Step Two: Cut & Wrap Noodles
For this specific wall hanging I wanted to keep it as simple as possible for y'all, so I got my 5 pool noodles from Dollar Tree and used the entire length of one noodle for the first arch of the rainbow. The noodles I got are about 2 1/4in in diameter.
You can make a larger rainbow by cutting a part of an additional noodle and attaching it with duct tape to make the length longer of your first arch.
Once you have decided what size wall hanging you want and have your first noodle size ready you can start to wrap the noodle with your choice of yarn. I grabbed some from hobby lobby that was 30% off, because money matters and I can't stand paying full price for anything! Hench, my love for DIY.
Start by taking your yarn and lay about 2in of it parallel with the noodle.
Begin to wrap in a circle along that 2in to "lock" your yarn in place.
Continue to wrap the yarn along the entire length of the noodle. As you wrap make sure the yarn is close together so you do not see any of the noodle underneath. This process takes some time but once you get in the grove it goes by pretty fast! Turn on your favorite binge worthy TV show and zone out and before you know it all of your noodles will be wrapped.
Once you have your first noodle completed you can bend it to the arch shape and measure for your following noodle underneath.
I usually do this in a very high tech manner. I place the noodle between two heavy objects from my house, any objects I can find at the moment, or enlist the help of my trusty assistant (my husband) for this step. You can see in the picture below how the arches lay within one another. I use a sharp pair of scissors to cut off the excess noodle.
Step Three: Cut & Insert Wire
To help hold the arch shape I use this wire from Lowes. Use wire cutters to cut 5 wires the size of each of your completed yarn wrapped noodles. I recommend doing this step after wrapping because the wire makes the noodle less malleable and heavier.
Insert through the entire length of the noodle until you see it come out the other side
Bend your noodle into the desired shape and do the same with the rest of the noodles. Take the time to get them how you want.
Step Four: Attach Dowels
Now that you have your arches bent and layed out how you envisioned it's time to create the final supports for the rainbow. I used a 3/4in dowel rod and cut 3 pieces. 2 for the sides and 1 for the center. This step helps to hold all the noodles together.
Use your hot glue gun to attach these pieces to the back of each noodle.
Step Five: Yarn Clouds
You are almost to the end! Just a few more steps, promise!
Time to make the "clouds" for your rainbow. Take a white colored yarn and cut strands as long as you want your clouds to be. For mine I made them about 6in long to start and cut them down once I inserted them. Create bunches of these strands, about 15 in each bundle and tie them off.
Separate the strands from each other as you see in the top of the image.
To attach these I stick them into the holes of each noodle and use my hot glue gun to hold them in place and cover the end of the noodles.
Step Six: Find a Place to Hang
Now, find the perfect spot for your masterpiece, stand back and admire all your hard work!
If you have questions on any part of this DIY, leave a comment or message me. Don't forget to subscribe and find me on Instagram @honey.beyou
Rainbows can have so many different meanings for people. I hope whatever it means to you that it brings you joy and comfort each time you look at it.
Each of our lives are beautiful in their own ways and we each weather a storm others may not see.
So, be kind to one another & honey, be you.
Momma Mageed